Furniture, Interior DesignDo you like creative decorating ideas? Here's an exciting new way to add a distinctive look to your home.Lee ahora
Furniture, Interior Design
Nº44/20th Century Home Decorating Guide
The custom of appropriate and harmonious treatment of home decorating, interior decorations and suitable furniture, seems to have been in a great measure abandoned during the present century, owing perhaps to the indifference of architects of the time to this subsidiary but necessary portion of their work, or perhaps to a desire for economy, which preferred the cheapness of painted and artificially grained pine-wood, with decorative effects produced by wall papers, to the mor...Lee ahora -
Architecture, Furniture, Interior Design
Nº43/10 Neat Ideas To Consider When Remodeling Your Bathroom
Out of all the home improvement projects, few can provide the benefits of a bathroom remodeling project. Remodeling the bathroom is a great way to add real value to your home. On the plus side of that, it will increase the enjoyment level of yourself and your family.Lee ahora
There are a number of things to consider before undertaking such a major project. They are:
1. Keep your eye on the ball. It is important to see the bathroom remodeling project as a whole project. Even thou... -
Interior Design
Nº42/10 Important Things to Consider Before Designing a New Kitchen
Kitchen design is very subjective, there are few hard and fast rules. A feature or layout that is perfect for one person is far from perfect for another. These are 10 things you have to take in consideration before you start your new kitchen design project...Lee ahora -
Furniture, Interior Design
Nº40/8 Tips for Decorating Your Apartment!
8 Tips for Decorating Your luxury apartment!Lee ahora -
Interior Design
Nº39/7 Kitchen Design Ideas
Lee ahoraKitchens have evolved a lot over the years. Once found only in the rear of the house, today's kitchen design takes the kitchen out the background. The challenge for kitchen design is in creating a more open-faced kitchen, that is...