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diversity + inclusion
who we are
our diversity + inclusion statement
ARCHDEKOR® is a women minority owned company. The company's heart and soul is driven by a diverse and inclusive community of passionate people who are making a difference throughout the world. Our understanding is that doing good for society and our communities is a critical part of running a good business. That is why we make sure our business practices and sustainable design solutions, deliver benefits to people, our communities and the planet.
• Is committed to the transformation of society into one that promotes social justice and freedom from oppression, including but not limited to, racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, and ableism.
• Is committed to diversity in all staff, freelancers, volunteers, and audiences, including full participation in design projects, product development, programs, policy formulation, and decision-making.
• Is proud to employ designers with different backgrounds and experiences, junior, senior registered architects with the AIA with fair pay & conditions, wellbeing, skills, progression, diversity and recruitment process with an employee handbook accessible to all of our team.
• Is committed to individual and organizational efforts to build respect, dignity, fairness, caring, equality, and self-esteem.
• Respect and value diverse life challenges, creating an environment that is inclusive of all.
• We acknowledge and honor the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals. We pledge ourselves to creating and maintaining an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages, and experiences.
• We are committed to promoting, accessibility, diversity and inclusion, by making our website as accessible as possible to people with special needs, including those with visual, hearing, cognitive and motor impairments. We're constantly working towards improving the accessibility of our website to ensure we provide equal access to all of our users.
• Has the goal to make the use of our ARCHDEKOR®'S technology and accessibility enabler a successful and enjoyable experience for all users.
These statements represent only a small sample of the ways that our organization embody its commitment to inclusiveness.
OUR MISSION IS TO Embrace diversity and cultural differences and always be open to new experiences.
We absolutely love this message. This is one of our ecommerce partners 'Affirm' inspiring diversity message. We wanted to share it and join them in telling their collective stories. As well as form employee resource groups and community groups as we grow. We want our team to feel comfortable being their authentic selves. Our founder and Creative Director is deeply passionate about creating an environment that promotes diversity and improve people's lives.
We know exactly what makes our practice brilliant is our people. Aside from being designers, drafts-people and project designers, we are facilitators, professors, , writers and speakers. Our creative process allows ideas to flow freely through cultural barriers and gain from diverse disciplines and techniques. We know that when our people are multifaceted, our designs will be too.